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Supporting Evidence

Opportunities in life should not be based on a postcode lottery, but available to all young people, regardless of background and ability.  Young people today face an unprecedented range of daily challenges which are often reported in the media and press.  All of which, further support our drive to provide every young people across the country, with a safe and inspiring place to spend their leisure time, with access to employability, health and sporting initiatives which make a huge contribution to their emotional and physical wellbeing.

Better policing alone will not eradicate knife crime

Published: 15th March 2019 Financial Times

We need to give desperate young men an alternative to gang culture.

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Gangs: 27,000 children in England say they are members – report

Published: 28th February 2019 BBC News

There are 27,000 children aged between 10 and 17 in England who identify as being part of a gang, according to a report by the Children's Commissioner.

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New research estimates up to 50% fall in spend on youth provision

Published: 26th February 2019 The Guardian

England’s child protection and support services are in financial crisis, with the heaviest cuts burden falling disproportionately on the north of the country.

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Feeble drug policy fuels war on our streets

Published: 15th January 2019 The Times

A new approach is needed to help children escape from a world of drug-running, gang coercion and premature death.

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‘Too many young people believe their communities don’t care’

Published: 19th December 2018 The Mirror

Tim Peake, space expert called for businesses and the Government to reduce the risk of young people becoming disengaged.

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Systems to protect children from severe disadvantage

Published: 18th December 2018 Wave Trust - Tackling the roots of disadvantage

WAVE has been spearheading social change since its formation in 1999. Analysing global research into the root causes of social problems and translating findings.

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Londoners said…

Published: 7th December 2018 Thrive LDN

“Londoners Said” is the result of speaking directly with over 1000 people in 17 workshops across London with the aim to improve mental health.

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Active Lives Children and Young People Survey

Published: 6th December 2018 Sport England

New research published by Sport England, reveals the scale of the challenge to help the nation’s children be more active.

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Surge in young knife deaths amid police cuts and ‘a climate of fear’

Published: 29th November 2018 The Guardian

England and Wales record 37 deaths so far in 2018 as charity stresses deprivation underlies violence.

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How to solve youth violence (and how we can all help)

Published: 21st November 2018 BBC Ideas

Knife crime and youth violence are rarely out of the news - musician and mentor Femi Koleoso says we can all play a role in tackling them.

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Street gangs aren’t so different from war dead

Published: 12th November 2018 The Times

Bravado and a need for comradeship is what led many boys to sign up in the Great War and get into street violence today.

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Knife crime: What happened to Michael?

Published: 6th November 2018 BBC News

“Right now, London is a shambles. You've got loose-headed teenagers running around with knives and guns, thinking it's normal.”

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